How did this historic bar become a modern brewery restaurant?

The legendary Viisi Penniä has always been part of the elite of Hel­sinki’s tra­di­tional beer and food scene. In the spring of 2021, the res­taurant took a step towards a more trend-con­scious future with the con­struction of its own brewery, the Mad Hopper Brewing Company.

A peek to over 80 years ago - how did it all start?

Viisi Penniä is one of the longest running beer res­taurants across the country, under the same name and loc­ation. It was the place to go in the 60s and 70s among the Tullin­puomi recidents living in the vicinity.

The res­taurant opened its doors next to Töölön tulli in 1956, but in fact, its history goes back more than 80 years. The house, designed by func­tion­alism and com­pleted during the armistice in 1940, tells its own story of wartime history - the res­taurant has been run there since the beginning.

The current Viisi Penniä was pre­ceded by res­taurant Walk, where wartime shortages were reflected in food reg­u­lation. The turning point was the Olympic year 1952, which brought thou­sands of tourists to the city.

Stone columns mark the spot, where did the name “Viisi Penniä” come from?

The name “Viisi Penniä” means “Five Pennies” in Finnish.

In 1956, the name changed from “Walk” to “Viisi Penniä” with the new owner. However, the name dates back to the old Töölön tulli, a turnpike or a customs gate at the city border. Stone columns and a plaque on both sides of Man­ner­hei­mintie have been left at the res­taurant as monuments.

Töölön tulli, or Espoon tulli, levied on goods imported from the coun­tryside to the city for sale. In the 1860s, anyone who towed a vehicle paid for a silver kopeck, or five silver pennies, for access to downtown. That is why Töölön tulli has also been called “Viiden Pennin Tulli” (Five Pennies’ Customs).


Welcome to the 21st century: new owner, new restaurant

In 2006, the current owner of Onnirav­in­tolat became the owner of Viisi Penniä, which piloted the res­taurant on a new road, a cozy res­taurant for social­izing and dining. In 2011, they merged the two com­mercial apart­ments situated next to each other, and that’s how the res­taurant got a bar next door, called Oluttupa Viisi Penniä (Beer­house Viisi Penniä).

The next big change was renov­ation, which was carried out in 2014. The entire interior, fur­niture and lighting of the res­taurant were renewed. At the same time, the par­tition wall was broken between the res­taurant and the bar and the two spaces were con­cretely con­nected to each other.


Our own brewery, Mad Hopper Brewing Co.

The year 2021 was again a time of change. With the com­pletion of Mad Hopper Brewing Company, Helsinki’s famous Man­ner­hei­mintie street has its own brewery after a break of almost 90 years!

The brewery will be ren­ovated in the base­ments of res­id­ential buildings at Man­ner­hei­mintie 53-55. Even though it’s an inde­pendent small brewery, part of it comes visible to the public at Viisi Penniä.

The con­struction of the Mad Hopper Brewery was some­thing the CEO Gianjot “Dollar” Singh had in mind for several years. Everything started from Dol­lar’s attitude towards world-class beers and the desire to make them in his own brewery. Mad Hopper is based on passion, pro­fes­sion­alism and know-how, as well as uncom­prom­ising quality in products and everything we do.

The res­id­ential building at Man­ner­hei­mintie 55 is com­pleted. The res­taurant Walk is established.
Viiden Pennin krouvi is opened.
Viiden Pennin Oluttupa opens.
Viisi Penniä expands to the neigh­boring building after the renovation.
The Mad Hopper Brewing Company begins oper­ating in the basement of the building.


The res­id­ential building at Man­ner­hei­mintie 55 is com­pleted. The res­taurant Walk is established.


Viiden Pennin krouvi is opened.


Viiden Pennin Oluttupa opens.


Viisi Penniä expands to the neigh­boring building after the renovation.


The Mad Hopper Brewing Company begins oper­ating in the basement of the building.